Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, we are the original equipment manufacturer(OEM).
MTMS KIT--Works on all presses with a standard 4 inch locating ring and with standard nozzles with either a 1/2 or 3/4 inch radius. EUROMAP presses. An adaptor is available for various locating ring sizes and the ring can be modified for various nozzle types.
Go to “Blog” for directions to modify purge puck or ring.
It works on most materials except for mineral and high glass-filled materials >35% do to it’s thermoconductivity which gives up the heat too rapidly and will give more variable readings.
The purge will solidify immediately and probe damage may occur.
The pyrometer is interchangeable between a Type K and J. The MTMS thermocouple is a type K. The pyrometer must be set to type K. To set-- push the Type button on the keypad on the pyrometer until the "K" appears on the screen. Now retest for the correct temperature.
Also, the MTMS thermocouple probes are specifically engineered with a “dead stop” and for extremely fast response times. Other probes will not work with the MTMS kit.
The MTMS pyrometer is fast response with “peak hold” pyrometer and must be used to get accurate and repeatable readings.
The MTMS Kit is designed to measure shot sizes from 1 ounce to 10 pounds. The injection molding machine can be modified to accomodate shot sizes under one ounce.. Please contact us for instructions.
It may not be a problem. Some materials stick to the insulator cup and the ring may stay with the nozzle when retracted and the purge puck stays with the mold. If this happens the thermocouple probe may be bent or damaged.
Both ½- or ¾-inch radius
+/-1% on most materials.
The purge stays molten due to the insulating properties of the cup. Also, the wiping action of the flowing material going over the probe eliminates skinning on the probe. With the elimination of the skin, which is an insulator, the maximum temperature is obtained and recorded.
It can be carefully straightened or go the Products page to purchase a replacement.
Yes. Type K with mini plugs.
No. We are in the development stages of designing a locating system to work. Contact MTMS for an update.
No. Single use only. Go to Products page to reorder.